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Terminal Batch 2020

Terminal Batch 2020

I am one of the students of the Terminal Batch of 2020. I were on the last steps of my academics, and I knew quite well that in the coming future, after this stage, I will never get another chance of sitting back in the classes and disturbing my friends. I knew I would miss my classroom, my teachers, my classmates, my college....In fact, every moment of my academic life that I shared with my friends. So, I was enjoying my terminal semester as much as I could.
I never wanted to miss even a boring lecture given by our professors, but I bunked classes for a movie, for street food and some times just to gossip with my favorites.
I never missed an offer for a cup of tea from x,y,z.
I never missed out on teasing my friend on his relationship within the same class.
I never missed out on the departmental fights among students.
I never even missed out on my friend's girlfriend's tiffin.
I never missed on saying a Hi or Bye to my friend's crush.
I never missed out on the successful attempt at cheating in the internals.
Of course, I never missed out on the beauty of the wonderful books present in the Departmental library.
In fact, we were enjoying every single moment of our college life with our friends and classmates.
Hence, we tried every possible way to make our batch the best at last.
But suddenly, a tiny and one of the most horrible enemies of the humankind, called COVID-19 entered the world.
It destroyed everything.! Our happiness, our enjoyment as well as our academic lives.
Probably, it were the worst possible end to the best batch.
We left our classes without even saying the one final thanks to our professors.
We left our hostels without even bidding the one final goodbye to each other.
Actually we reached our homes with the expectation to go back after the short vacation came to an end.
But, then we got the news of the lockdown and were quarantined in our respective houses.
We had to cancel our last trip that we planned with the guys of our class.
The whole world was fighting a battle against Corona and we attended online classes with our professors putting an appreciable amount of effort.
We filled out forms for several competitive exams without having any knowledge of the examination dates. We have to study at home and even now we aren't sure about the end semester examinations.
Hence, we missed out on the inspirational words of our professors, or should I say, probably the last meeting with them.
We missed out on those last words and signatures on our white T-shirts, late night hostel parties, On-Campus birthday celebrations, those last warm hugs, those last promises to be in touch with each other forever.
Perhaps, we will get together again for the examinations but it'll be just for some limited hours. Hence, we will never be able to live those moments again. We will be in front of our friends but won't be able to give them a tight hug and will have to keep up with the rules of Social Distancing.
Huh.! Corona has played with the emotions of the terminal batch of 2020. We will never live that student life again.


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  1. Really shashank Words are yours but feelings and emotions in these words is of all our class mates.. Reading these lines have just imagined those moments .. I know these words came from your deepest heart .......


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